Our Services


Why let a problem happen in the first place? Let us oversee your health going forward, and our proactive approach can keep you healthy and fit.  Your once yearly no-copay office visit offered by your insurance plan works well for this.

Disease Management

We manage a wide range of chronic conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and many others.  We are experts in current disease management guidelines, and we work conscientiously to keep you up to date.  Medication refills and periodic labs are quick and easy, and we tailor regimens to fit your life, values and pocketbook.


You have a new problem, and you need help.

Whether you're young or old, male or female, we're waiting to help. If we can't diagnose it, we'll get you to someone who can.  We nearly always have same day or next business day appointments available.

We were voted 2023 Livingston County Best Practice and Best Nurse Practitioner and 2024 Top Five Best Practice and Best Nurse Practitioner.